Thursday, December 6, 2012

ADVENT 2012 (Thursday, December 6, 2012)

Thursday, December 6, 2012
By Rev. Duke Tufty
     In this season of hope and inspiration, we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, to honor the message He brought to this world. His message awakens us to the God Spirit within us. The God Spirit is in every living person equally and abundantly and provides for us everything we need to live a comfortable and fulfilling life.
     Jesus' message was one of peace, harmony and love. Where there was conflict, He brought peace. Where there was hatred, He brought love. Where there was darkness, He brought light of a new day and new life. He said to all, "What I have done, you can do also, and even more."
     Jesus' words can awaken our inner power. They can move us from the trenches of hopelessness and despair, enable us to rise and move beyond the uncomfortable conditions of our lives. In the Bible, it says that without vision, people perish. So in this season of hope and inspiration, we can take advantage of this time to reflect on our vision for the future. We can establish the vision, hold it strong in our mind, and draw on our Spiritual attribute of hope to give the vision life. That which we hold in mind will manifest in our lives. Deep within our being, we know this to be true.
Luke 1:47    My Spirit rejoices in God my Savior.
reprinted from Unity's "If Every Day Were Christmas   Advent 2012"