March 17, 2013
We affirm that we are overcomers, according to the example of Jesus Christ. No external condition or circumstance can bind us as we rest in the realization of God's grace and power.
Jesus' ministry was a loving demonstration of the Spiritual growth we are called to explore and experience as we learn to heal ourselves and others and to express God's infinite love and abundance.
Yet the painful experiences that Jesus Christ endured --- especially in the final days of His human existence --- are also a model for our Spiritual growth. The lash, the crown of thorns, the mockery, the stripping, the wounds, the nails --- all of these are representative of what we encounter when our new way of seeing life conflicts with the fear-based judgments of others.
Our new Spiritual awareness does not guarantee a life free of pain and difficulty. On the contrary, our willingness to see things in a way that is at variance with established mindsets may well draw more such negative expressions our way. But we are also given the grace and power to be a source of positive energy instead of a victim of negativity, to know that no external condition or circumstance can hold us in bondage once we have awakened to our oneness with God.
reprinted from Unity's Lent "A Season for Spiritual Growth"