Tuesday, July 17, 2012

POEM (A Sign ot the Times)

A Sign of the Times

There lie on the table,
side by side;
The Holy Bible
and the TV Guide.

One is well worn,
but cherished with pride;
No, not the Bible,
but instead, the TV Guide.

One is used daily
to help folks decide;
No, not the Bible
but instead, the TV Guide.

As the pages are turned,
what shall they see;
Oh what does it matter...
Just turn on the TV

Then confusion reigns,
they can't all agree;
on what they shall watch,
on that old TV.

So they open the book,
in which they confide;
No, not the Bible,
but instead, the TV Guide.

The Word of God,
is seldom read;
Maybe a verse,
before going to bed.

Exhausted and sleepy,
and tired as can be;
not from reading the Bible
but from watching TV.

So then back to the table,
side by side;
lay the Holy Bible,
and the TV Guide.

No time for prayer...
No time for God's Word;
the plan of Salvation,
is seldom ever heard.

But forgiveness of sin,
so full and free;
is found in the Bible,
NOT on TV!