Wednesday, December 21, 2011

SEASON OF ADVENT (Day Twenty-five)

                                                Wednesday, December 21, 2011
                       You Are God's Gift to the World
                                                By Rev. Felicia Blanco Searcy

   Spirit designed each and every one of us as channels to stream blessings into our world. So, just like Jesus, when we are centered in the reality of Spirit, God's fullness flows freely through us expanding exponentially.
   When we affirm "I am God's gift to the world," we claim our capacity to shine God's light wherever we go. Now if I simply exchange the word God for love, it is a bit easier to see ourselves as the word or the acts of love instead of God. But they are the one and the same. God is love and love is God and when Jesus woke up to that reality, he made love manifest here on earth.
   You are God's gift to the world. You are the way that God expresses and expands. As you open your heart to the fullness of God and allow all that God is to flow through you easily and without interruption, you shower those around you with the gift of God. You are God's gift to the world!

He will rejoice over you with gladness, he will renew you in his love.   --Zephaniah 3:17

reprinted from Unity's booklet Your Journey To Christmas

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