Wednesday, December 21, 2011


                                      In the Shadow
   In 1967 while takimg a class in photography at the University of Cincinnati, Tim became acquainted with another man named Charles Murray, who was a student at the school and training for the summer Olympics of 1968 as a highdiver.
   Charles was very patient with Tim as he would speak to Charles for hours about Jesus Christ and how He had saved him. Charles was not raised in a home that attended any kind of church, so all that Tim had to tell him was a fascination to him. He even began to ask questions about forgiveness of sin.
   Finally, the day came that Tim put a question to Charles. Tim asked Charles if he realized his own need of a Redeemer and if he was ready to trust Christ as his own Savior. Tim saw his countenance fall and the guilt in his face. But his reply was a strong, "NO!"
   In the days that followed, he was quiet and Tim often felt that Charles was avoiding him, until Tim got a phone call and it was Charles. He wanted to know where to look in the New Testament for some verses that Tim had given him about Salvation. Tim gave him the reference to several passages and asked if he could meet with Charles. He declined Tim's offer and thanked him for the scriptures. Tim could tell Charles was greatly troubled, but did not know where he was or how to help him.
   Because he was training for the Olympic games, Charles had special privledges at The University pool facilities. Some time between 10:30 and 11:00 p.m. he decided to go swim and practice a few dives. It was a clear night in October and the moon was big and bright. The University pool was housed under a ceiling of glass panes so the moon shone bright across the top of the walls in the pool area.
   Charles climbed up to the highest platform to take his first dive. At that moment, the Spirit of God began to convict him of his sins. All the scriptures he read, all the occasions of my witnessing to him about Christ, flooded his mind.
   He stood on the platform backwards to make his dive, spread his arms to gather his balance, looked up to the wall and saw his own shadow caused by the light of the moonHis shadow was the shape of the Cross. He could bear the burden of these signs no longer. His heart broke and he sat down on the platfrom and asked God to forgive him and save him. He trusted Jesus Christ twenty some feet in the air.
   Suddenly, the lights in the pool area came on. The attendant had come in to check the pool. As Charles looked down from his platform, he saw an empty pool which had been drained for repairs. He had almost plummeted to his death but the Cross had stopped him from disaster.

INSIGHT: We CAN reach others by spreading God's Word and living Christlike. Take some time to reach out in the world.

Romans 10:13  For " whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved."    NKJV

Romans 5:21  So just as sin ruled over all people and brought them to death, now God's wonderful grace rules instead, giving us right standing with God and resulting in eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.      NLT

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