Saturday, May 19, 2012


"I Feel Unhappy A Lot"

Today we're fasting from the thought that says, "I feel unhyappy a lot."

  1. Happiness was God's idea! Psalm 144:15 says happy are the people whose God is the Lord. When Jesus became the Lord of your life, a supernatural force of happiness was deposited in you! Make a withdrawal on the deposit by declaring: "Jesus is Lord and that makes me happy!
  2. Reject the mindset that others need to treat you right in order for you to be happy. Trust God = Happiness. (Proverbs 16:20). We hang on to what people will do for us or say about us, in hopes that it will make us happy. Give that up today.
  3. Take control of your life! When you depend on someone else to act a certain way or treat ou a certain way, you give up control and power of your lifeover to them. Take it back!
  4. Let go of condemnation. Romans 14:22 says, "Happy is the one who does not condemn himself..." Romans 8:1 tells us there is no condemnation for those in Christ. When you accept that God does not condemn you, you will discover the power to be happy and free!
  5. The supreme happiness in life is the ASSURANCE that you are LOVED. BE LOVED. The Father tenderly love you. (John 16:27)!
  6. Jesus was the HAPPIEST man in the world. (Hebrews 1:9) Change your view of your Savior. He was a man of grief ONLY ON TTHE CROSS. In His daily life, He rejoiced more than anyone. And He lives in you. (Colossians 1:27)
  7. You are in His presence NOW. Remember that in His presence is fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11). And you are in His presence by the Blood of Jesus (Hebrews 10:19).

FEATURING:     I reject the thought that anyone can make or break
                           my happiness. I take back control of my life and I
                           choose to be happy today because Jesus is my
                           Lord. I have a rich deposit of joy inside me. And
                           I release its force every time I open my mouth with
                           praise. The ultimate happiness in life is the assurance
                           That I am loved. And since God loves me, I walk in
                           the supreme happiness of life. I am free from
                           condemnation because the happiest Man in the world 
                           lives in me. In Jesus' Name!

*** reprinted from Gregory Dickow's "Start Thinking Forward"