Thursday, May 10, 2012


"I Don't Have Enough"

     Most people know the benefits of fasting from food but "fasting from wrong thinking" is unprecedented --- until now. As you continue this amazing journey and tap into this power, you will arrive at a place of victory and peace in your life that you have never known before.
     Victory or defeat in life is determined by what controls the decision making process of your life... and your decisions are determined by your thought life.
     Today we are fasting from the thought that says, "I don't have enough."
     This is a mindset, an attitude that says, "I don't have enough money. I don't have enough time. I don't have enough friends. I don't have enough experience. I don't have enough education..."
     This thought is an invisible fence that keeps you in the backyard of lack and deficiency.

  1. Believe in God's abundant provision. Our God calls Himself: El Shaddai --- the God of more than enough! We have more than enough of God living inside of us-- Romans 8:11  Let's stop thinking in terms of "not enough" and start thinking in terms of "more than enough."
  2. Think Multiplication. God said be fruitful and multiply. He is a multiplier and so are you. Believe in the God of multiplication!
  • In 1 Kings 17, there was more than enough for Elijah and the widow.
  • In Exodus 16, there was more than enough  for the children of Israel, everyday.
  • In John 6, there was more than enough bread left over, after Jesus fed the 5000.
  • In Mark 5, there was more than enough anointing to heal Jairus, the woman with the issue of blood and all the people that were sitting by.

    3.  Think: Apple Orchard.  An apple seed becomes an apple orchard. One little
         seed becomes more than enough apples for a whole community! Believe in the
         power of a seed.
    4.  Seed meets need. Remember, even God cannot multiply a seed that you don't
         sow. Sow a seed. (Mark 4:26)
    5.  Be patient. Farmers understand there is seed, TIME, and harvest. (Genesis 8:22).
         Don't forget that time is the connector between the seed and the harvest.
    6.  God is not trying to get something FROM you. He's trying to get
         something TO you.Trust! Let go! As you let go of what you have in your hand,
         God lets go of what He has in his hand. This is part of the great exchange. Give
         and it will be given back to you in good measure (Luke 6:38).


FEATURING:     I always have enough because Philippians 4:19 says God shall supply
                           ALL my needs according to His riches. I always have enough
                           because My God is more than enough. I believe that seeds meet
                           needs. I am a sower and therefore, I am a reaper. God is a multiplier
                           and so am I. I am called to be fruitful and multiply. God is multiplying
                           every good seed. As I give, He gives back to me good mesure,
                           pressed down, shaken together and running over. In Jesus' Name.

*** reprinted from Gregory Dickow's "Start Thinking Forward"