Monday, May 27, 2013

POEM (A Soldier Came Home For The Last Time Today)

With gratitude we remember your service. We cannot thank you enough for all the sacrifices you have made on our behalf. God bless the families of the fallen heroes. May we ALWAYS honor you with the respect you deserve.


Paying the price for freedom led this hero to the grave.
   There were, however, others unnamed on any wall,
             a footnote to a story that does not tell it all!


They lost not just a soldier but a beloved daughter or son.
    An honored burial ends the story for many,
             but for them the pain has just begun.


Their scars might be harder to see,
     but on the inside they also suffer and bleed
        a river of tears shed by them
          does not lessen their grief.


The next time the family of a soldier you see,
    thank them for their own sacrifice
       in keeping the world free.