Tuesday, April 2, 2013

MORAL STORY (Legend of the Corn, Beans and Squash)

     Legend has it that three beautiful sisters were sent to Native Americans by the Great Spirit...

     Legend has it that corn, beans and squash were first given to Native Americans by the Great Spirit. These gifts were so precious, because they were able to sustain human life, so the care of the plants were entrusted to separate Spirits. These Spirits took on the form of three beautiful sisters who loved living together.
     These sisters were so fond of each other that they would protect and nourish one another, forming a "holy trinity" of cooperation and dependence. By living together in a single mound of earth, they could provide each other with physical protection and nutritional abundance.
     CORN,  the eldest sister, would be the first to begin her cycle of life. Growing tall and strong, her stalk would provide a natural trellis upon which her sister, BEANS, could grow. Her vines would encircle and gently hug sister CORN , while reaching for the sun.
     Soon, the youngest sister, SQUASH, would spread out to cover the mound of dirt where they lived together. Her shady leaves preserved the moisture in their earthly home and would steal away precious sunlight from weeds and other uninvited strangers. Her prickly stems also provided protection against pests attempting to invade her sisters' home.
     And so, the three sisters would continue to live and grow together, eventually presenting their own gifts to whomever helped tend their mound of earth. Within their fruits would be offspring for future generations of helpful, loving sisters, willing to share in the great cycle of life.

MORAL: We all have our own unique and special gifts. We can use our gifts to help and protect one another. In doing so, our youth will be witness to this and they will follow our example, and possibly begin to create a unified world. 

     Seeds for planting are perhaps the most important gifts shared by Native Americans with the first pilgrim settlers from Europe. In fact, sixty percent of all crops grown worldwide today originated with our Native American farmers.
    More than 1,000 years before the people of Mesopotamia, the cradle of Western civilization, began growing food crops, Native Americans thrived off the land. Many of their farming techniques are still in practice today.


(1) Plant corn in the center of a small mound.

(2) After the corn has reached 4" plant beans in a circle around the corn.

(3) One week after beans sprout, plant the squash in a circle around the beans. Keep the soil moist.