Thursday, September 20, 2012

POEM (Faith's Fight)

Faith's Fight
"There is no God!" Science rails
At this idea of Faith, Reason pales;
"No such thing!" they shouted
With arms folded, they pouted.
"You must believe!" cries Faith
"I Am the Creator of the earth," God saith;
"Before earth's foundation, I laid
Without Me, there was nothing made."
No desire to believe, Reason boast
"No Father, no Son, no Holy Ghost!"
Faith laughs at Reason's philosophy
And yells, "In God, exists all Three!"
Science screams, "That makes no sense!
You need to show me your evidence!"
"Science, Science, you protest too much
On God's creation, "your" existence is really a crutch."
But on that great and dreadful day
Science and his friend, Reason, shall say;
"So foolish was I and oh so ignorant,
My thoughtless words, I now repent."