
Monday, December 17, 2012

ADVENT 2012 (Monday, December 17, 2012)

Monday, December 17, 2012
By Martha Smock
     In your search for meanings and purposes, do not lose sight of joy. The joy of being is within you, unquenchable. Joy is the unexpected, often the surprising discovery of anyone who lives close to God, who makes his every thought, his every act, his every breath a prayer to God.
     If you have any feeling that your life is without meaning or purpose, ask for light. Ask for revelation of God's Presence. Ask that Christ come into your consciousness. In the asking you shall find your answer and in your seeking you shall find not only light, but joy. Pure joy that glorifies and transforms your life.
     Your life has purpose and meaning. God has need of you; God is working in and through you to will and to do His good Will. God is in you as fullness of joy. He loves to be glorified through you. His child. He joys in your joy and delights in your growth toward perfection. All that you need, all that anyone needs, is to say, "God is with me --- my life, my joy, my all in all."
When they had heard the king, they set out; and there, ahead ot them, went the star that they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was. --- Matthew 2:9
reprinted from Unity's "If Every Day Were Christmas     Advent 2012"