
Sunday, October 7, 2012

40 DAYS OF PRAYER TO CHANGE AMERICA (Day 10: Waiting on God)

40 Days of Prayer to Change America
(Day 10: Waiting on God)
"I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope."
--- Psalm 130:5 (NIV)
     Ultimately, a nation that has learned to wait upon the Lord is a nation that has renewed its hope. No longer rushing about in response to the latest poll or whim, there is a dependence upon the Word of God and eternal matters. A sense of the solid and the stable replaces the fleeting fancies of our current status. Hope is removed from being a campaign slogan to being a lifestyle that centers on the Word of God.
  • Pray for the church in America to begin to model the stable lifestyle of waiting on the Lord.
  • Pray for a movement of the Spirit that creates a dramatic cultural transformation in the United States, bringing about a nation that has learned to put its hope in the Word of God.
Lord, it isn't easy to wait. Forgive me for not waiting on You and for running ahead to do those things that seem good to me. Teach Your church to be a good model of those who don't rush into every trend or fashion but who have learned to wait upon You. Lord, show us how waiting on You isn't an activity, but rather an active life style of drawing near and of keeping our eyes upon You. May You so transform Your church that it flows over into the life of this nation. Slow us down, Lord. Teach us to wait on You, so that Your purposes and plans might be lived out in America. In Jesus' Name. Amen
(reprinted from Charismna magazine)