
Monday, May 28, 2012


"I Can't Control My Emotions"
Today we're fasting from the thoughts that say: "I can't control my emotions. I'm such an emotional person. My emotions get the best of me."

     We all have emotions but unfortunately sometimes THEY have us!

     God created us to live with positive and healthy emotions. It's the negative ones that can harm our lives, our relationships and our future. The idea that we are "victims" of our emotions because of our gender, our culture, our nationality or our personality type has to be eliminated.

  1. Our emotions are the result of our thoughts. If you think sad thoughts, you will become sad. If you think joyful and happy thoughts, you will become happy. As a man thinks, so is he. (Proverbs 23:7).
  2. Reject the belief that your emotions are the result of your culture, race or gender. Your culture may be more or less expressive of emotions, but we are all both spiritual and emotional beings.
  3. You have been given SELF-CONTROL. It is in you. 2 Timothy 1:7 says, "God has given you power, love  and a sound mind." (SELF-CONTROL.) Galatians 5:23 says the fruit of the spirit includes SELF-CONTROL and the spirit is in you!
  4. Believe you are in control. As you control your thoughts, you will control your emotions. THEN, you will not feel the urge to control others!
  5. You can remember what happiness is. Jeremiah FORGOT what happiness was because he talked himself into misery (Lamentations 3:17). When he began to think about the goodness of God, JOY WAS RESTORED. Emotions follow thoughts -- whether good or bad.
  6. Express your emotions UPWARDS; and you won't need to always express them OUTWARD. When you pour your heart and feelings out to God, the temptation to explode at others will be diminished.
FEATURING:    I am not under the control of my emotions anymore.
                           They are under my control. As I fill my mind with
                           good thoughts, they will become good emotions. I can
                           control my emotions by my thought life and my thought
                           life is surrendered to God's Word. I have self-control
                           and dominion over my life. And from this day forward,
                           my emotions SERVE ME rather than control me! I pour
                           my emotions out to God and I don't need to pour them
                           out to others. In Jesus' Name.

*** reprinted from Gregory Dickow's "Start Thinking Forward"